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Being Formed

God, help me to think of my small, formless, imperfect soul as constantly subject to your loving, creative action, here and now, in all the bustle of my daily life, its ups and downs, its anxieties and tensions and its dreary, unspiritual stretches—and gradually giving it, through these things, its ordained form and significance. So that in all the events of my life, even the most trivial, I experience your pressure, Creative Artist.

-Evelyn Underhill, Meditations and Prayers

Can you imagine God as a great Creative Artist?  What would it mean to live with an awareness of God’s creative power continually forming and molding you?  Right in this very moment, how do you resist or yield to the holy transforming touch?

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Dearest dancing monks, artists, and pilgrims, Tomorrow Simon and I will be joined by guest musician and Wisdom Council member Jamie Marich for our monthly Contemplative Prayer Service. Our theme this month is the 5th principle of the Monk Manifesto. Here is an excerpt from our Monk in the World self-study retreat.

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Monk in the World Guest Post: Judith Jessop

I am delighted to share another beautiful submission to the Monk in the World guest post series from the community. Read on for Judith Jessop’s reflection on solitude and community. A sabbatical is a precious gift. In my tradition it arrives like clockwork every 7

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