*quote is from the Prologue of the Rule of Benedict
For a PDF version of the Monk Manifesto click the link to download a printable file.
The Monk Manifesto is also available in Spanish, German, and Norwegian translations. Click here for PDFs of Manifesto del Monje, Mönchs Manifest, and Munkemanifestet.
We invite you to. . .
Monk: from the Greek monachos meaning single or solitary, a monk in the world does not live apart but immersed in the everyday with a single-hearted and undivided presence, always striving for greater wholeness and integrity
Manifesto: from the Latin for clear, means a public declaration of principles and intentions.
Monk Manifesto: A public expression of your commitment to live a compassionate, contemplative, and creative life.
*quote is from the Prologue of the Rule of Benedict
1,636 Responses
Yes, I will sign the monk manifesto as the next step in my path
Seeking connection and community accountability in nurturing contemplative spirituality.
Signing the Manifesto, with much love and gratitude from Japan.
Yes, I definitely sign this Monk Manifesto.
I am grateful to Jane who shared this community with me and ready to continue my pilgrimage.
This really resonates with me. I am so grateful to have found you and look forward to how this will help deepen my path.
I was brought here by Christine’s presence at the recent Ancestral Medicine workshop. I’m so grateful to have found this, and am excited to connect with you all.
Lovely list! I’m going to print it out. and it’s my intention to find my own ways of doing these things :)
I am grateful beyond words that I came across this website. It is a real treasure and perfect gift from the Lord at this stage of my life journey. I am so delighted that from this day onward I can call myself a dancing monk.
Blessings Be – Yes here I am signing the Manifesto! Bless You All…