*quote is from the Prologue of the Rule of Benedict
For a PDF version of the Monk Manifesto click the link to download a printable file.
The Monk Manifesto is also available in Spanish, German, and Norwegian translations. Click here for PDFs of Manifesto del Monje, Mönchs Manifest, and Munkemanifestet.
We invite you to. . .
Monk: from the Greek monachos meaning single or solitary, a monk in the world does not live apart but immersed in the everyday with a single-hearted and undivided presence, always striving for greater wholeness and integrity
Manifesto: from the Latin for clear, means a public declaration of principles and intentions.
Monk Manifesto: A public expression of your commitment to live a compassionate, contemplative, and creative life.
*quote is from the Prologue of the Rule of Benedict
1,636 Responses
May this serve as my signature! Already in a community (Sangha) of kindred spirits but glad to connect here because I love to dance and disorder (Chaosmos) is so very real! I accept.
At this point in my life, I am particularly drawn to “cultivating awareness of my kinship with creation” while being challenged to cultivate “a healthy asceticism.”
I commit to radical hospitality.
Yes, I love this!
..to resist a culture of noise and constant stimulation “. That one I’ll definitely need to work on. The others make my heart sparkle!
Yes to this manifesto!
I’m in! So proud and liberated
I willingly sign on for this manifesto that speaks to my heart. I’ve got to work on giving expression to that dancing monk!
Oh yes! I’m in! Fully and unashamedly IN!
opening myself to single-hearted presence
extending myself in community
seeking wisdom
these are the places I now yield;
willing to surrender to the practice of monk
more completely…
these principles call me beyond those already living into;
humbling me and pulling me deeper in all ways.
holding my nose and jumping anyways!
I am struck by the word “cultivate”. I like to work in my garden and so this word has specific meaning. I find great joy when gardening, I express my creativity there, I share this with my neighbor who also gardens, I connect with nature. Yes! I commit.
cultivating connection with nature & neighbors!
thank you for the image.