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Slowing-Down Space

It is the end of one of those very long days and my body is tired, my spirit weary. I walk into the kitchen to fill up two large pots with water and put them on the stove to heat. Then I head into the bathroom and begin to fill the tub. We live in a condo with space only for a small water heater, not quite enough to fill the tub, so this routine has become part of my nightly ritual. “I can’t believe you live in the heart of Seattle and you have to heat water on the

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Forget Everything

I found this poem the other day at Northwoods Contemplative and it speaks to me in the most amazing and direct way.   I am in a period of intense wrestling with my relationship to institutional religion, while my faith in God and experience of sacred presence has never been stronger.  Forget Everything If someone says, “To be enlightened you must fast and pray all night,” Have dinner and go to bed. If you see a sign, “This way to salvation,” run the other way. If someone says, “This book is the truth, you can buy it from me,” Take your money and buy grapes and

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Preparing for Autumn

The equinox is in a week, one of the two dates when the sun hovers above the equator and day and night are equal. In the solar calendar it is also the beginning of autumn.  Here in Seattle we are starting to get hints of autumn’s arrival — cooler days that are getting noticeably shorter from their wide expanse of summer, plants and leaves just beginning their process of decay and letting go in preparation for winter.  If I walk slowly and look closely I see the signs all around me. Autumn is a season of change, reminding us that

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Always Act Great

Act Great What is the key To untie the knot of your mind’s suffering? What Is the esoteric secret To slay the crazed one whom each of us Did wed And who can ruin Our heart’s and eye’s exquisite tender Landscape? Hafiz has found Two emerald words that Restored Me That I now cling to as I would sacred Tresses of my Beloved’s Hair: Act great. My dear, always act great. What is the key To untie the knot of the mind’s suffering? Benevolent thought, sound And movement. -Hafiz ***Please scroll down to the next post and participate in my

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Invitation to Poetry: Rumpled Sheets

Welcome to another poetry party and you are invited to participate.  This is my third installment, you can click to see the first and second ones.   I shared the other day about the freedom a messy spirituality is inviting me to and my dream of rumpled sheets.  Then over the weekend there was this brilliant moment when the sun was illuminating my sheets and I captured it in the photo below. What does the image evoke for you?  What words are stirred?  I invite you to share your poems (maybe you even want to try a Pantoum?), thoughts, quotes, or song lyrics in

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God Loves Us When We Dance

My friend Rachelle over at Magpie Girl will be issuing a creative challenge and invitation twice a month to experiment with some sort of simple art process to get the creative juices going.  She posted her first one today–altering a photo.  Go here to read more about it and here to see the images already contributed. I have been praying a lot with this photo of my paternal grandmother (who was once a dancer) and decided to play with it in Photoshop Elements a bit.  I added a purple hue, some diffuse glow, and an antique border.  Then I wrote in a

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Photo Essay: Point Defiance, Tacoma

        “Come to the edge, He said. They said: we are afraid. Come to the edge, He said. They came. He pushed them, and they flew…” -Guillaume Apollinaire. (quote courtesy of lucy) -Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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Messy Spirituality

I freely admit that I crave a certain degree of order in my life.  On the Myers-Briggs I am an INFJ with a fairly strong organizational J.  That J serves me very well in work and thrives on deadlines. It is certainly what got me through a PhD program in under 6 years. I love my home to be neat and I have a hard time getting to work if its not (okay, so maybe it helps me procrastinate sometimes).  I can be the queen of planning and every day make lists of things to get done (although I often don’t accomplish

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Awakening the Creative Spirit

Time for another invitation to come join me and my delightful teaching partner Betsey Beckman in November for a week of integrating creative expression and spiritual practice.  We already have several brave and beautiful souls signed up and there are just a handful of spots left, so won’t you come and play?  Awakening the Creative Spirit: Experiential Education for Spiritual Directors in the Arts & Imagination with Betsey Beckman, MM and Christine Valters Paintner, PhD November 11-17, 2007 St. Andrews Retreat Center Union (Hood Canal), WA A week-long experiential intensive exploring tools for integrating the arts and imagination into spiritual

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Freedom: On Being Uncaged

I am so very moved at the poetic response to my post of a few days ago.  I have absolutely loved reading your words and have really gathered them close to my heart and reflected on the meaning of freedom and why the cage can sometimes be so inviting, so comfortable and what it takes to really claim my freedom.  If you haven’t read the latest contributions, please scroll down (or just click here) and relish them. One of the poetic forms I often use with groups is the French Pantoum. It is a delightful and easy form to use,

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