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Groundhog Day

Celebrate this unlikely oracle,
this ball of fat and fur,
whom we so mysteriously endow
with the power to predict spring.
Let’s hear it for the improbable heroes who,
frightened at their own shadows,
nonetheless unwittingly work miracles.
Why shouldn’t we believe
this peculiar rodent holds power
over sun and seasons in his stubby paw?
Who says that God is all grandeur and glory?

Unnoticed in the earth, worms
are busily, brainlessly, tilling the soil.
Field mice, all unthinking, have scattered
seeds that will take root and grow.
Grape hyacinths, against all reason,
have been holding up green shoots beneath the snow.
How do you think spring arrives?
There is nothing quieter, nothing
more secret, miraculous, mundane.
Do you want to play your part
in bringing it to birth? Nothing simpler.
Find a spot not too far from the ground
and wait.

-Lynn Ungar, from Blessing the Bread

(poem received in my Panhala email, photo by me from Volunteer Park)

-Christine Valters Paintner @ Abbey of the Arts

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3 Responses

  1. I linked from GroggyFroggyLisa to your old web blog and then to here. Your site is very inspiration and beautiful, and I’ll be back! And….Tune is precious. She is lucky to have found you!