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Invitation to Photography: Silence

Welcome to the Abbey Photo Party!

This is a (somewhat) new experiment and sort of a twist on the regular Poetry Parties.  Instead of my selecting a theme and image and inviting you to respond with words, I select a theme and invite you to respond with images.

Our theme here at Abbey of the Arts for September is silence, so I invite you to reflect visually on what silence looks like for you.

Since you can’t post images directly in the comments section here, I invite you to add them to the Flickr Group I have created (when you go to the link it will ask you to join the group first before posting).  Please do leave a comment below to let us know you have joined the party and feel free to link back to your own blog and post your image there too.

If possible I’d love to have them all in the Flickr group as well (joining Flickr is free)!  Share as many as six of your images in response to the theme. Feel free to take your image(s) in any direction and then if you have a blog, please post the invitation and encourage others to come join the party!

On Friday, September 7th – I will draw a name at random from those who participate and send the winner a copy of my newest book Desert Mothers and Fathers: Early Christian Wisdom Sayings — Annotated & Explained straight from SkyLight Paths.

I will also feature some of the photos here at the Abbey blog sometime next week (with permission of course).

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29 Responses

  1. I’ve come too late to the party this month, but I did upload some photos on September’s theme of Silence anyway.

  2. I joined the group and uploaded one photo. Will see if that shows up before I try another I have in mind. Thanks for this new experience.

  3. I posted a couple of pics to the Flickr site – one from my retreat at the Monastery of Bethehem, Chertsey, Quebec, and an evening shot of a crane in the lake just south of me, water reflecting the soft pink of the sky.

    I really enjoyed this project – searching for ‘silence’ in a visual form …

  4. I am an oil painter and love painting plein air. I posted one of my paintings instead of a photograph. I painted it along a stream near Valle Crucis, NC. While painting I move into a meditative place of silence. Even the stream sounds become a part of that. They help move me to that place of calm and stillness. I become a part of the landscape.