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Visual Meditation: Winter Solstice (in Vienna)

Today in the Northern hemisphere we celebrate the Winter Solstice, that day of the great turning toward the light.  Winter is my favorite season with her achingly beautiful spareness.  I offer you some images from my time away below.  Blessings on your own journey through holy darkness toward illumination.

More photos to come later in the week including a reflection about how to listen for the Word which might be calling to you for the coming year.  Make sure to stop by “Give me a Word” and share yours for a chance to win an online class and to read the really beautiful reflections accompanying each submission – a great place for inspiration!










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10 Responses

  1. Christine, you are a treasure. Thankyou for bringing us this beauty . my soul is nourished by its contemplative presence.

  2. Thank you Christine for sharing the beauty of an amazing city, through your photographs. I almost feel like I am there. You are a gift!

  3. Reminds me so much of being in Vienna for Christmas in 2008. What an unforgettable experience!

  4. Christine ~
    Thank you for taking time to share these beautiful photos.
    Beauty draws us in and Beauty leads us to a higher place.

  5. Christine, I am struck by the solitude all of your photos in Vienna reflect. I believe you are truly finding Sanctuary there (your word for the year). How lovely to be in a place of such beauty and able to observe it with your special sight! Blessed holidays to you!